A lot of people unfortunately are confused on who is the minority theses days...
Let me help you clarify: Out of the 343 million people in the US... now... I dont think the numbers have shifted that much. Hispanic people are the largest minority group and then Black people in the US, Asians come into play also. All these minorities are hard working, intelligent, creative people.
Show appreciation for the people who have mom & pop stores in ya neighborhood still, it ain't easy.
Get to know other people's cultures, and learn how to support them
Do not be ignorant to what is against them vs resources you have.

That job wont give you everything.
Find joy in your everyday.
Most minorities want to pay bills, love their family and enjoy their people.
People born and raised in the US usually dont see that as enough. Sometimes that erases gratitude, appreciation and balance.
Acknowledging what people have done and how they have helped you make things better is what we need more of.