Today I'm talking to my creatives! As a creative soul navigating the sometimes tumultuous waters of independence, I've found myself teetering on the edge of hyper-independency more times than I'd care to admit. But fear not, for I've gathered some insights and strategies to share with you on how to break free from the shackles of hyper-independency and nurture a healthy sense of autonomy. I've struggled with this for years, it's just hard for me to trust, and depend on someone else to get tasks done in the way it’s needed. It's from experiencing moments where we depend on people, who us down and I never wanted to experience that again. So it's a way to self preserve my anxiety with people. Is it healthy though? Does this leave space for anyone to try to show me different? Let's see.
Understanding Hyper-Independency
Let's start by unraveling the enigma that is hyper-independency. It's that sneaky mindset that tells us we must do everything on our own, never asking for help or collaboration. While independence is essential for personal growth, hyper-independency can lead to burnout, isolation, and stifled creativity. The reality is, we cannot show up for ourselves all the time because we are human beings. Sometimes we feel great and sometimes we don't, so if you don't have a team that you can trust to get the project complete... What are your options? As artists, we thrive on connection, inspiration, and shared experiences. Embracing healthy interdependence allows us to flourish in our creative pursuits.
Signs of Hyper-Independency
Do you find yourself hesitant to seek support or collaborate with others? Are you constantly shouldering the weight of every project, reluctant to delegate tasks? And what's so crazy about this is I collaborate with a lot of other podcasts and creators on different things with ease. When it comes to my personal life that does not involve work I do not trust men to show up for me in times of need. Mainly because of what I've seen with other people and personally not work out. It's like a cloud of everything else is great about the relationship and individually, but when it comes to a point where I need this person to show up it gets ugly. I will mention how I need them to show up... But then they dropped the ball. After the ball is dropped, I don't create an argument, I don't meet it with a discussion, I meet it with the action of me doing it myself. That snowballs me never giving them the space to show up for me ever again. That part is not healthy, which has me wondering, is it the conversation that I don't want to have or is it the faith after the conversation? The fact that I have to give them a second chance to not show up for me again? These could be red flags signaling hyper-independency at play. Recognizing these signs is the first step towards reclaiming your creative freedom.
Breaking Free: Embracing Vulnerability
One powerful antidote to hyper-independency is embracing vulnerability. Opening up to others, sharing your creative process, and seeking feedback can be transformative. When people say open up, I can do that. I'm a very talkative person, there is no problem discussing it. My problem is after I discuss it and give you time to understand where I'm coming from... You do nothing with it. Vulnerability is not a sign of weakness; it's a testament to your courage and authenticity. Through vulnerability, we forge genuine connections and invite fresh perspectives into our creative space.
Cultivating Healthy Independence
Healthy independence is all about striking a balance between self-reliance and collaboration. It's about knowing when to ask for help, when to delegate tasks, and when to trust in the expertise of others. Surround yourself with a community that uplifts and supports your creative vision. I definitely surround myself with creators and people who say what they're going to do and actually do it. There is so much respect and integrity that comes with keeping your word. Remember, interdependence is a superpower that fuels innovation and fosters growth.
The Art of Self-Care
As creatives, we can easily get lost in the whirlwind of our projects, neglecting our own well-being. Remember to prioritize self-care as an essential component of maintaining healthy independence. Whether it's taking a break in nature, practicing mindfulness, or indulging in your favorite creative pursuit, make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine.
Embracing Collaboration: A Creative Collective
Seek out opportunities for collaboration within the creative community. Join forces with like-minded individuals, participate in workshops, or engage in collaborative projects. Another con about being super independent is doing too much when it's supposed to be a shared project. So a lot of times I found myself working in a collaborative project but doing more than the other person is doing and not finding a problem with it while I'm doing it. After the project is done and I realized "Oh, all you did show up" and I was doing this, that and this consistently must be nice. A lot of people find themselves in relationships with people where they are doing the most, and the other person is dragging their feet to show up to do one thing. You have to be very mindful of sharing the relationship. Embracing collaboration not only enriches your creative process but also cultivates a sense of belonging and camaraderie.
Do You Feel Me?
Breaking free from hyper-independency and fostering healthy independence is an ongoing journey, but one that holds the key to unlocking your full creative potential. As creatives, we are stronger together, interconnected by our shared passions and creative spirits. Embrace vulnerability, nurture collaboration, and prioritize self-care as you embark on this transformative quest towards creative liberation. It is still a working progress for me and for a lot of other people it's a working progress for them.The only cure is finding your people and growing with them. As far as giving people chances in your personal life, that's a gamble you have to want to take.
So, fellow creatives, are you ready to unleash your creative self and embrace a newfound sense of independence? Let's embark on this journey together, supporting and inspiring each other along the way. Remember, your creativity knows no bounds when you dare to break free from the chains of hyper-independency. Find your zone and people you trust.
Now, let's paint our stories, compose our melodies, and sculpt our masterpieces, united in our pursuit of creative freedom!
Bring on the artistry, Ya Girl Chan